How Lesbianism Became a Crime in Malaysia
by MS. A. HAQAH. "The construction of the ideal Malaysian identity as heterosexual, in addition to homophobic, of course, is a fantasy."
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11 Min read

“Roti Canai and My Mum”: A Malaysian Trans Man’s Recipe for Love and Connection
By Faris Saad
My mum and late grandmother both perfected the art of making roti canai. Not the simple, folded square ones, but the circular, flaky roti. Crispy on the outside ...
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2 Min read

U Will Be Remembered: Transgender Day of Remembrance 2018
Messages from trans community of Malaysia.
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2 Min read

Open Houses, Open Hearts: Raya Tales from LGBT Malaysians
Compiled by RYAN ONG. "For queer people who have endured traumas and rejections from families, Raya sometimes amplifies these feelings."
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4 Min read

Call Me A Boy, part 3: Being an out trans man in a queer band
By FARIS SAAD. "Even if I lost everything else, I would still have my core group of friends who accept me as my handsome self. Without them, and without music, ...
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6 Min read

Call Me A Boy, Part 2: Fuck my blossoming womanhood
By FARIS SAAD. "I substituted my longing to be a boy with plotting to start a band. I soothed my dysphoria with music."
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5 Min read

Call Me A Boy, Part 1: My journey into music and manhood
By FARIS SAAD. "At the same time that I knew I was destined to be a musician I also started telling people to call me a boy."
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4 Min read

Faris For PM! A trans man’s manifesto for a better Malaysia
Trans man Faris Saad delivers his manifesto while imagining he has already served one term as Malaysia's first trans PM.
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2 Min read