20 Ways to Promote LGBT Activities
The Malaysian government likes to accuse LGBT activists of promoting LGBT activities, even when they don't know what that means, so Pang Khee Teik decided to show everyone how to ...
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1 Min read

When LGBT People Came Out As Malaysians
By PANG KHEE TEIK. All over the country, we came out as Malaysians and we volunteered and we voted, in spite of being told the country is not ready for ...
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5 Min read

“I think I like guys… sometimes”
“Mel, I think I’m gay.” I stared at you for a long time. You looked away from me. It was our year of trying everything once. I thought you ...
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5 Min read

My classmate started a rumour that I’m gay…
"One good thing about living in Sarawak is that the general attitude is quite open-minded and tolerant, if not accepting. I see it in the way we treat different people ...
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3 Min read