Queering Theology: Mengubah Naratif LGBTQ Sebagai Pendosa
Oleh Afiq M Noor. Saya selalu terfikir, berapa ramai lagi yang harus terkorban kerana menjadi dirinya sendiri? Sampai bila kita mahu menggunakan agama untuk menjustifikasi kezaliman hanya kerana orientasi ...
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3 Min read

Reflecting God: Practising Religion that Is Progressive, Queer and Feminist
By Lily. Growing up Muslim and believing in a God that is just was natural.
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4 Min read

Laws that Target LGBT People are a Mockery to the Rule of Law
There is no rule of law if we are being prosecuted.
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5 Min read

My Uncle’s Harisa: Joseph teaches you to cook a famous Johor dish
Harking back to the time when I was a small boy about 12 years ago in Johor Bahru. life was really slow-paced and full of adventures. Naughty ...
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3 Min read

Understanding the Laws Against Us and What We Can Do About Them
by NATHALIE KEE. "Dismantling any discriminatory laws requires time and must be done in tandem dismantling discriminatory mindsets within the community."
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5 Min read

A Reformist’s Prayer: May a Rough Ramadhan Turn into a Redeeming Raya For All
By SURI KEMPE. "This is an opportunity for us to collectively reflect on how we can correct the injustices we have inflicted upon one another"
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4 Min read

During the Pandemic, 3 Malaysian Queer Artists Turn Isolation into Therapy
By Layla. If anyone can turn pain into something profound, it's a queer artist.
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4 Min read

Bolehkah pihak polis memeriksa aplikasi Grindr anda?
Jangan panik! Dan tips lain untuk berdepan dengan polis!
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7 Min read

On this May Day, I think about the barbed wires that coil around us all
KATRINA JORENE MALIAMAUV challenges us to feel beyond the numbness of capitalism and hateful ideologies.
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4 Min read

The Trans Women at the Frontline
By Vinodh Pillai. "Nisha Ayub and her team at SEED Foundation decided they needed to do something, not only for their sisters but everyone else left behind in the MCO."
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5 Min read

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1 Min read

The Limits of Compassion: Refugees in the Time of Corona
Does pushing a boat full of Rohingya people back to the sea really protect "our own"?
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6 Min read

Blaming LGBT people for Covid-19 is spreading fast
By Vinodh Pillai. How we can flatten the curve by flattening the blame game.
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4 Min read